Thursday, April 29, 2010


Ice Dragon
Ice Dragon with an icy blast on its tongue

Eastern and Western Dragons
Eastern and Western dragons fighting for power
over the mystic goblet

Light Dragon
A Dragon known as the Dragon Ghost
or the Flaming Phantom

Dragon and Master
Dragon in a cave tamed by a Wizard
as its master

Dragon of Time
Dragon with the ability to fly through time

Sea Hydra
Beast with multiple heads lives deep within
the murky depths of the seas

Snake Dragon
A black and purple snake-like beast with a deadly
and very venomous bite.

Dragon Spirit
A god of the Dragons rarely seen

Dragons of the East and West
2 Dragons around orb

multiple headed Dragon with a deadly attack

Elemental Dragons
5 Dragons with 5 different elements
and 5 different but all
deadly attacks

Fire Dragon
Dragon living in a realm of flames
and a certain
quick-burn-death if ever

Eastern Dragon
Dragon with a low temper and a range
of different attacks

Shadow Dragon
Dragon with ability to camouflage in any shadow
of which is big enough

Rock Dragon
A Dragon which so much strength,
this beast does not need any powerful venom
or flames blasting out its mouth.
All this creature needs to survive
a great battle is the strength to
create an earthquake
and send giant boulders
in the air and make sure they hit
the opponent Dragon

Dragon of the Shadows
This is the worst Dragon any human could ever encounter
for it only appears at midnight of the full moon
once every year
and if ever seen then you
will be having an early funeral

Inferno Dragon
This beast is usually calm and is not set alight
unless agitated, annoyed or
declaring war

Fire and Ice Dragons
2 Dragons in their place

Black Dragon
This Dragon lurks around in its den
and can only be seen
or attacked under the light of the fullmoon


  1. hey! you dont know me but could you draw up a white dragon? it has been a fantasy name given to me and the drawing.....could you draw 1 pic a logo type thing and another an actual live drago?????

    i know its alot to ask for someone you dont know but i will check daily for it! thanx!
